Friday, June 26, 2009

Korean Food

I really like Korean food. I would even go so far as to say that I really love Korean food. Since I got here, until now, I've been eating a lot of Korean food. and at the same time, slowly but surely, my weight has been going up.

So for a little while, I am going to say goodbye traditional Korean food. I will taste you only a little.

(I've also had a couple run-ins with msg, so it all will work out better this way.)

I met a Japanese woman at dance today. (made me really happy that I could actually speak to somebody^^^^ Though I should say, compared to Japan, far more people here speak speakable english.) And she told me that in traditional Korean food (she's been here for a long time), they actually use more vegetables than even Japanese food--- which I found really surprising. She said what young people eat, a lot of meat, etc, is really different. Seeing as the other day, I had this very 'traditional-y' meal with a friend, and it was all vegetarian, I am very willing to believe that.

But alas. I will still aim for salads at lunch. (They will still be Korean (made). after all, I am in Seoul, right?)

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